The network marketing development has been, more and more of the small and medium enterprise to electronic business as a new growth point of enterprise marketing, spend a lot of money on network promotion propaganda. Yet it is alert, with more than eighty percent of the entrepreneurs, marketing management personnel in expanding network marketing (SEO) process, too much focus on promotion way itself, but to their own product information mining and brand construction of a lack of management consciousness.
In this under the influence of marketing ideas, meet a person then asked, "do you have any good marketing promotion channel" is a kind of embarrassing situation.
In fact, any enterprises according to their own product/service characteristics, such as enterprise resource advantage, in integrating B2B search engine, the third party platform, social networks are unique resource attraction. Resources attraction often can send out a marketing budget than larger market value, but it is just to play the most good at depth analysis enterprise products.
企業(yè)網(wǎng)站多數(shù)沒有網(wǎng)絡(luò) 定貨功能甚至留言系統(tǒng),便可以看出我們對企業(yè)網(wǎng)站價值的漠視。
The enterprise website majority does not have an order function, or leave a message system network, they can see that we value of enterprise web site equanimity.
So how to make a can effective propaganda enterprise and products information and will bring the real deal enterprise website? How to promotion? Shang pin Beijing China website construction service businessman gang you solve the problem
網(wǎng)站功能切忌華而不實Site function was of avoid by all means
網(wǎng)站建設(shè)上,而且功能過多還會使瀏覽者眼花繚 亂,不知所措。請檢視一下你的企業(yè)網(wǎng)站,是否有很多功能從沒有被瀏覽者使用過呢?一定會有。所以,網(wǎng)站不求大,不求全,只求最實用的功能。盡量使頁面整潔 簡單,操作便捷,這樣便增加了目標瀏覽者使用網(wǎng)站各種功能的可能性,否則雜亂煩瑣的設(shè)置會使瀏覽者產(chǎn)生負面的瀏覽體驗,很快就會因失去耐心而離去。
Now many enterprise web site is very great, and the function is all ready, thought that in order to attract popularity, in fact this is not just to spend a lot of money in the website construction, and the function is too much still can make the dazzling visitors sound disorderly, helpless. Please examine your enterprise web site, whether to have many functions by visitors from not used? Sure will be. So, the website not pursuing big, not perfection, but the most practical function. Make the page clean simple, convenient operation, thus increasing the target visitors use website the possibility of all sorts of function, or mixed and disorderly complicated Settings make them produce negative browsing experience, will soon lose patience and left.
高度互動Highly interactive
網(wǎng)站必須具有高度的互動性,而非僅是一個網(wǎng)絡(luò)版的宣傳單,要讓瀏覽者可以通過網(wǎng)站進行各種互動行為,包括直接聯(lián)系企業(yè)客服中心、在線留言或咨詢、在線訂購物品、發(fā)表評論等,總之,要讓網(wǎng)站(企業(yè))和瀏覽者互動起來,通過網(wǎng)站把瀏覽者和企業(yè)連接起來。能互動的地方越多,這個網(wǎng)站的價值就越大。因 為只有和瀏覽者產(chǎn)生交流并可幫瀏覽者解決實際問題,比如可以回答他的提問或直接購買產(chǎn)品,對瀏覽者來說你的網(wǎng)站才是有生命的,有價值的。
The website must have a high degree of interactivity, not only is a network flyer, want to let viewers can through the web site for various interactive behavior, including direct contact enterprise service center, online message or consulting, online order goods, comment, etc, in short, to make a web site (enterprise) and your visitors interactive up, through the web site visitors and enterprise joined up. The more interaction can place, the greater the value of the site. For to be only the generation and communication and can help your visitors to solve practical problems, such as can answer his questions or directly to buy the products, to your visitors to your web site is the life, has the value.
視覺統(tǒng)一Visual unity
The website vision and enterprise VI to visual identification system unifies, if the enterprise did not VI visual identity system, so will and enterprise or goods are the visual contact, it will enhance your visitors to enterprise and the product visualization consistency and deepen understanding impression.
設(shè)置體驗元素Set experience elements
網(wǎng)站制作了三維產(chǎn)品模型,瀏覽者可以通過鼠標點擊查看產(chǎn)品的任意位置,甚至可以打開虛擬電腦的屏幕或光驅(qū)等。當體驗者有 任何疑問,線上線下多條溝通管道可以在5秒內(nèi)使瀏覽者與商品客服人員取得聯(lián)系,如果確定購買,很快貨物便會被送到府上,此時便可以在網(wǎng)站上查到自己電腦和 用戶的相關(guān)信息并可以參加用戶或會員的各種活動。
Is now a notice of personalized experiences era, consumers can provide unique and products and enterprise all kinds of relevant experience to promote and improve sales will have a positive role to help affinity, the website also can serve as an important link of the experience of the customers, and let the enterprise website a visitor experience venues, the ably online and offline contact combined, let your visitors involved. Like many computer manufacturing enterprise website made a 3 d product model, viewers can through the mouse to click the check product any position, can even open the virtual computer screen or cd-rom, etc. When the experience has any questions, online communication channel can be more than line in 5 seconds and commodity make visitor contact customer service personnel, if determine to buy, and soon the goods will be sent to the applicant, at this time will on the web site to check their computer users and the relevant information and may participate in the activities of user or member.
宜家家居的網(wǎng)站更推出了房間與家具之間自由搭配組合的體驗功能,瀏覽者可以把喜歡的家具一樣樣“拽”進一間虛擬的房間中自由擺放,以達到購買前 便可以看到購買后的效果,此舉極大地促銷了其產(chǎn)品。像這樣的線上線下互動與創(chuàng)新,會讓瀏覽者充分體驗到網(wǎng)站的真實性和實用性,以后自然會把這家網(wǎng)站作為購 買相關(guān)商品最便捷的途徑。
Ikea site launched the room with furniture more freedom and tie-in combination between the experience function, viewers can like furniture again "fly" into a virtual room in free put, in order to achieve before purchasing were able to see the effect after the purchase, which greatly promotion its products. Such online offline interaction and innovation, will let your visitors to fully experience the authenticity of the site and practical, after the site as a natural the purchase goods related to buy the most convenient way.
制造銷售氛圍Manufacturing sales atmosphere
在我國,在線購買商品還不夠普及,瀏覽者很多時候想購買,但卻又有很多顧慮,這時就要利用人性的從眾心理來塑造購買氣氛,以此來打消消費者的顧 慮。比如在訂購商品頁面顯示大量其他購買者的購買信息,這會增加瀏覽者的購買信心,甚至沒有購買打算的瀏覽者看到大家的舉動也會參與到其中。就像超市的整 點打折促銷一樣,看到別人瘋狂的搶購商品,自己本能的也會產(chǎn)生購買欲并加入其中,雖然自己根本沒有購買計劃。也可以用一些權(quán)威的推薦及證明來打消消費者的 顧慮,如專家推薦、相關(guān)機構(gòu)推薦及認證等。
In China, online purchase goods are not widely available, many visitors when want to buy, but the but again have a lot of concern, would then use the human nature inclines to create atmosphere psychological purchase, tries to dispel the trust their consumers. For instance in order goods page shows a lot of other buyers purchase information, which will increase the visitor's confidence, not even buy going to see all of your viewers the move will also participating in them. The whole point of the supermarket like discounts and promotions, see others crazy snapping up goods, also can produce instincts of their own to buy and join them, even though they didn't purchase plan. Also can use some of the authority recommended and prove to dispel concerns of consumers, such as experts recommend, relevant institutions and recommended authentication and so on.
Web site is to be sure do after the promotion, how to let the customer gelling your website, that is about to see later optimization and promotion.
設(shè)計關(guān)鍵字Design key word
The key words will put right the use of the search engine to attract visitors you stand up, but for enterprise web site for, key words setting method should not and on the website for the business of the main body of the same station. The enterprise website to key words use principle is certain to catch your visitors the core of the attention, that is the biggest concern of the visitor, and corresponding key words, web site must have corresponding solutions to your visitors or valuable information, the only way to attract visitors might into valuable target consumers. Simply by keyword attracted a lot of visitors to the enterprise website for is not much larger significance.
培育高忠誠度瀏覽者Foster high loyalty of your visitors
Click-through rate was called network value measure device, is very important. But for the enterprise website is not such, have high flow is important, but the flow of business value can produce more important, and that attract more target customer groups, and then developing registered users, of course, registered users can enjoy some of the care about privilege to snare loyal viewers, and eventually into consumption, because occasionally go to a web site immediately of consumption, few have a visitor understand and trust in the process.
進行有價值的鏈接交換A value of the link exchange
The main and two kind website link exchanges: 1, the target visitors (consumer) the same but do not produce competitive relations of the other industry enterprise web site. 2, the flow of a relevant industry portal. Other do not have too great value of the links don't exchange, and that will only make your website become very mixed and disorderly, reduce your visitors browsing interests, distractions.
搜索排名Search rankings
If you own industry or enterprise for network marketing and promotion, then can buy baidu search engine Google, such as the key word ranking or advertising a, it will greatly increase your website visitors find goal by enterprise of chance. But if it is some network do too big effect of industry or enterprise, such as the gym, beauty salon, restaurants etc. Local consumer features obvious enterprise is not necessary in web site spend too much money and energy.
讓瀏覽者有所收獲Let your visitors have gained
A successful website must have this function, although your visitors will not necessarily buy your products immediately, but through the web site you harvest will also increase the words of enterprise and the product likability and the possibility of patronage again. For example, there are all kinds of news of the target customer pay attention, common sense, remind and so on, as long as the target visitors (target consumers are interested and often patronage, will sooner or later for consumption, at least we can increase the affinity of brand, and the user experience degrees (UEO).
設(shè)置便捷按紐Setup convenient button
Set some as long as your visitors click on it can complete the operation and convenient function button, such as "collection site", "set for home page", "to recommend to friends", etc. These "easy" and can finish operation can effectively increase their site was again by the chance to view and promotion.