





總 結(jié)來看,圖片有三種存在形式:硬盤上時(shí)是file,網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳輸時(shí)是stream,內(nèi)存中是stream或bitmap,所謂的質(zhì)量壓縮,它其實(shí)只能實(shí)現(xiàn)對(duì) file的影響,你可以把一個(gè)file轉(zhuǎn)成bitmap再轉(zhuǎn)成file,或者直接將一個(gè)bitmap轉(zhuǎn)成file時(shí),這個(gè)最終的file是被壓縮過的,但 是中間的bitmap并沒有被壓縮(或者說幾乎沒有被壓縮,我不確定),因?yàn)閎igmap在內(nèi)存中的大小是按像素計(jì)算的,也就是width * height,對(duì)于質(zhì)量壓縮,并不會(huì)改變圖片的像素,所以就算質(zhì)量被壓縮了,但是bitmap在內(nèi)存的占有率還是沒變小,但你做成file時(shí),它確實(shí)變小 了;



import javaioByteArrayInputStream; 
import javaioByteArrayOutputStream; 
import javaioFile; 
import javaioFileNotFoundException; 
import javaioFileOutputStream; 
import javaioIOException; 
import androidgraphicsBitmap; 
import androidgraphicsBitmapConfig; 
import androidgraphicsBitmapFactory; 
 * Image compress factory class 
 * @author 
public class ImageFactory { 
   * Get bitmap from specified image path 
   * @param imgPath 
   * @return 
  public Bitmap getBitmap(String imgPath) { 
    // Get bitmap through image path 
    BitmapFactoryOptions newOpts = new BitmapFactoryOptions(); 
    newOptsinJustDecodeBounds = false; 
    newOptsinPurgeable = true; 
    newOptsinInputShareable = true; 
    // Do not compress 
    newOptsinSampleSize = 1; 
    newOptsinPreferredConfig = ConfigRGB_565; 
    return BitmapFactorydecodeFile(imgPath, newOpts); 
   * Store bitmap into specified image path 
   * @param bitmap 
   * @param outPath 
   * @throws FileNotFoundException 
  public void storeImage(Bitmap bitmap, String outPath) throws FileNotFoundException { 
    FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(outPath); 
    bitmapcompress(BitmapCompressFormatJPEG, 100, os); 
   * Compress image by pixel, this will modify image width/height 
   * Used to get thumbnail 
   * @param imgPath image path 
   * @param pixelW target pixel of width 
   * @param pixelH target pixel of height 
   * @return 
  public Bitmap ratio(String imgPath, float pixelW, float pixelH) { 
    BitmapFactoryOptions newOpts = new BitmapFactoryOptions();  
    // 開始讀入圖片,此時(shí)把optionsinJustDecodeBounds 設(shè)回true,即只讀邊不讀內(nèi)容 
    newOptsinJustDecodeBounds = true; 
    newOptsinPreferredConfig = ConfigRGB_565; 
    // Get bitmap info, but notice that bitmap is null now  
    Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactorydecodeFile(imgPath,newOpts); 
    newOptsinJustDecodeBounds = false;  
    int w = newOptsoutWidth;  
    int h = newOptsoutHeight;  
    // 想要縮放的目標(biāo)尺寸 
    float hh = pixelH;// 設(shè)置高度為240f時(shí),可以明顯看到圖片縮小了 
    float ww = pixelW;// 設(shè)置寬度為120f,可以明顯看到圖片縮小了 
    // 縮放比。由于是固定比例縮放,只用高或者寬其中一個(gè)數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行計(jì)算即可  
    int be = 1;//be=1表示不縮放  
    if (w > h && w > ww) {//如果寬度大的話根據(jù)寬度固定大小縮放  
      be = (int) (newOptsoutWidth / ww);  
    } else if (w < h && h > hh) {//如果高度高的話根據(jù)寬度固定大小縮放  
      be = (int) (newOptsoutHeight / hh);  
    if (be <= 0) be = 1;  
    newOptsinSampleSize = be;//設(shè)置縮放比例 
    // 開始?jí)嚎s圖片,注意此時(shí)已經(jīng)把optionsinJustDecodeBounds 設(shè)回false了 
    bitmap = BitmapFactorydecodeFile(imgPath, newOpts); 
    // 壓縮好比例大小后再進(jìn)行質(zhì)量壓縮 
//    return compress(bitmap, maxSize); // 這里再進(jìn)行質(zhì)量壓縮的意義不大,反而耗資源,刪除 
    return bitmap; 
   * Compress image by size, this will modify image width/height 
   * Used to get thumbnail 
   * @param image 
   * @param pixelW target pixel of width 
   * @param pixelH target pixel of height 
   * @return 
  public Bitmap ratio(Bitmap image, float pixelW, float pixelH) { 
    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
    imagecompress(BitmapCompressFormatJPEG, 100, os); 
    if( ostoByteArray()length / 1024>1024) {//判斷如果圖片大于1M,進(jìn)行壓縮避免在生成圖片(BitmapFactorydecodeStream)時(shí)溢出   
      imagecompress(BitmapCompressFormatJPEG, 50, os);//這里壓縮50%,把壓縮后的數(shù)據(jù)存放到baos中  
    ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(ostoByteArray());  
    BitmapFactoryOptions newOpts = new BitmapFactoryOptions();  
    //開始讀入圖片,此時(shí)把optionsinJustDecodeBounds 設(shè)回true了  
    newOptsinJustDecodeBounds = true; 
    newOptsinPreferredConfig = ConfigRGB_565; 
    Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactorydecodeStream(is, null, newOpts);  
    newOptsinJustDecodeBounds = false;  
    int w = newOptsoutWidth;  
    int h = newOptsoutHeight;  
    float hh = pixelH;// 設(shè)置高度為240f時(shí),可以明顯看到圖片縮小了 
    float ww = pixelW;// 設(shè)置寬度為120f,可以明顯看到圖片縮小了 
    int be = 1;//be=1表示不縮放  
    if (w > h && w > ww) {//如果寬度大的話根據(jù)寬度固定大小縮放  
      be = (int) (newOptsoutWidth / ww);  
    } else if (w < h && h > hh) {//如果高度高的話根據(jù)寬度固定大小縮放  
      be = (int) (newOptsoutHeight / hh);  
    if (be <= 0) be = 1;  
    newOptsinSampleSize = be;//設(shè)置縮放比例  
    //重新讀入圖片,注意此時(shí)已經(jīng)把optionsinJustDecodeBounds 設(shè)回false了  
    is = new ByteArrayInputStream(ostoByteArray());  
    bitmap = BitmapFactorydecodeStream(is, null, newOpts); 
//   return compress(bitmap, maxSize); // 這里再進(jìn)行質(zhì)量壓縮的意義不大,反而耗資源,刪除 
    return bitmap; 
   * Compress by quality, and generate image to the path specified 
   * @param image 
   * @param outPath 
   * @param maxSize target will be compressed to be smaller than this size(kb) 
   * @throws IOException 
  public void compressAndGenImage(Bitmap image, String outPath, int maxSize) throws IOException { 
    ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
    // scale 
    int options = 100; 
    // Store the bitmap into output stream(no compress) 
    imagecompress(BitmapCompressFormatJPEG, options, os);  
    // Compress by loop 
    while ( ostoByteArray()length / 1024 > maxSize) { 
      // Clean up os 
      // interval 10 
      options -= 10; 
      imagecompress(BitmapCompressFormatJPEG, options, os); 
    // Generate compressed image file 
    FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(outPath);  
   * Compress by quality, and generate image to the path specified 
   * @param imgPath 
   * @param outPath 
   * @param maxSize target will be compressed to be smaller than this size(kb) 
   * @param needsDelete Whether delete original file after compress 
   * @throws IOException 
  public void compressAndGenImage(String imgPath, String outPath, int maxSize, boolean needsDelete) throws IOException { 
    compressAndGenImage(getBitmap(imgPath), outPath, maxSize); 
    // Delete original file 
    if (needsDelete) { 
      File file = new File (imgPath); 
      if (fileexists()) { 
   * Ratio and generate thumb to the path specified 
   * @param image 
   * @param outPath 
   * @param pixelW target pixel of width 
   * @param pixelH target pixel of height 
   * @throws FileNotFoundException 
  public void ratioAndGenThumb(Bitmap image, String outPath, float pixelW, float pixelH) throws FileNotFoundException { 
    Bitmap bitmap = ratio(image, pixelW, pixelH); 
    storeImage( bitmap, outPath); 
   * Ratio and generate thumb to the path specified 
   * @param image 
   * @param outPath 
   * @param pixelW target pixel of width 
   * @param pixelH target pixel of height 
   * @param needsDelete Whether delete original file after compress 
   * @throws FileNotFoundException 
  public void ratioAndGenThumb(String imgPath, String outPath, float pixelW, float pixelH, boolean needsDelete) throws FileNotFoundException { 
    Bitmap bitmap = ratio(imgPath, pixelW, pixelH); 
    storeImage( bitmap, outPath); 
    // Delete original file 
        if (needsDelete) { 
          File file = new File (imgPath); 
          if (fileexists()) { 






這三種形式的區(qū)別: 文件形式和流的形式對(duì)圖片體積大小并沒有影響,也就是說,如果你手機(jī)SD卡上的如果是100K,那 么通過流的形式讀到內(nèi)存中,也一定是占100K的內(nèi)存,注意是流的形式,不是Bitmap的形式,當(dāng)圖片以Bitmap的形式存在時(shí),其占用的內(nèi)存會(huì)瞬間 變大, 我試過500K文件形式的圖片加載到內(nèi)存,以Bitmap形式存在時(shí),占用內(nèi)存將近10M,當(dāng)然這個(gè)增大的倍數(shù)并不是固定的


文件形式: file.length()

流的形式: 講圖片文件讀到內(nèi)存輸入流中,看它的byte數(shù)

Bitmap: bitmap.getByteCount()


1. 將圖片保存到本地時(shí)進(jìn)行壓縮, 即將圖片從Bitmap形式變?yōu)镕ile形式時(shí)進(jìn)行壓縮,

特點(diǎn)是:  File形式的圖片確實(shí)被壓縮了, 但是當(dāng)你重新讀取壓縮后的file為 Bitmap是,它占用的內(nèi)存并沒有改變  

方法說明: 該方法是壓縮圖片的質(zhì)量, 注意它不會(huì)減少圖片的像素,比方說, 你的圖片是300K的, 1280*700像素的, 經(jīng)過該方法壓縮后, File形式的圖片是在100以下, 以方便上傳服務(wù)器, 但是你BitmapFactory.decodeFile到內(nèi)存中,變成Bitmap時(shí),它的像素仍然是1280*700, 計(jì)算圖片像素的方法是 bitmap.getWidth()和bitmap.getHeight(), 圖片是由像素組成的, 每個(gè)像素又包含什么呢? 熟悉PS的人知道, 圖片是有色相,明度和飽和度構(gòu)成的.

public static void compressBmpToFile(Bitmap bmp,File file){ 
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
    int options = 80;//個(gè)人喜歡從80開始, 
    bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, options, baos); 
    while (baos.toByteArray().length / 1024 > 100) {  
      options -= 10; 
      bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, options, baos); 
    try { 
      FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file); 
    } catch (Exception e) { 

該方法的官方文檔也解釋說, 它會(huì)讓圖片重新構(gòu)造, 但是有可能圖像的位深(即色深)和每個(gè)像素的透明度會(huì)變化,JPEG onlysupports opaque(不透明), 也就是說以jpeg格式壓縮后, 原來圖片中透明的元素將消失.所以這種格式很可能造成失真

既然它是改變了圖片的顯示質(zhì)量, 達(dá)到了對(duì)File形式的圖片進(jìn)行壓縮, 圖片的像素沒有改變的話, 那重新讀取經(jīng)過壓縮的file為Bitmap時(shí), 它占用的內(nèi)存并不會(huì)少.(不相信的可以試試)

因?yàn)? bitmap.getByteCount() 是計(jì)算它的像素所占用的內(nèi)存, 請(qǐng)看官方解釋: Returns the number of bytes used to store this bitmap's pixels.

2.   將圖片從本地讀到內(nèi)存時(shí),進(jìn)行壓縮 ,即圖片從File形式變?yōu)锽itmap形式

特點(diǎn): 通過設(shè)置采樣率, 減少圖片的像素, 達(dá)到對(duì)內(nèi)存中的Bitmap進(jìn)行壓縮

先看一個(gè)方法: 該方法是對(duì)內(nèi)存中的Bitmap進(jìn)行質(zhì)量上的壓縮, 由上面的理論可以得出該方法是無效的, 而且也是沒有必要的,因?yàn)槟阋呀?jīng)將它讀到內(nèi)存中了,再壓縮多此一舉, 盡管在獲取系統(tǒng)相冊(cè)圖片時(shí),某些手機(jī)會(huì)直接返回一個(gè)Bitmap,但是這種情況下, 返回的Bitmap都是經(jīng)過壓縮的, 它不可能直接返回一個(gè)原聲的Bitmap形式的圖片, 后果可想而知

方法說明: 該方法就是對(duì)Bitmap形式的圖片進(jìn)行壓縮, 也就是通過設(shè)置采樣率, 減少Bitmap的像素, 從而減少了它所占用的內(nèi)存

private Bitmap compressBmpFromBmp(Bitmap image) { 
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); 
    int options = 100; 
    image.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos); 
    while (baos.toByteArray().length / 1024 > 100) {  
      options -= 10; 
      image.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, options, baos); 
    ByteArrayInputStream isBm = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); 
    Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(isBm, null, null); 
    return bitmap; 


  private Bitmap compressImageFromFile(String srcPath) { 
    BitmapFactory.Options newOpts = new BitmapFactory.Options(); 
    newOpts.inJustDecodeBounds = true;//只讀邊,不讀內(nèi)容 
    Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(srcPath, newOpts); 
    newOpts.inJustDecodeBounds = false; 
    int w = newOpts.outWidth; 
    int h = newOpts.outHeight; 
    float hh = 800f;// 
    float ww = 480f;// 
    int be = 1; 
    if (w > h && w > ww) { 
      be = (int) (newOpts.outWidth / ww); 
    } else if (w < h && h > hh) { 
      be = (int) (newOpts.outHeight / hh); 
    if (be <= 0) 
      be = 1; 
    newOpts.inSampleSize = be;//設(shè)置采樣率 
    newOpts.inPreferredConfig = Config.ARGB_8888;//該模式是默認(rèn)的,可不設(shè) 
    newOpts.inPurgeable = true;// 同時(shí)設(shè)置才會(huì)有效 
    newOpts.inInputShareable = true;//。當(dāng)系統(tǒng)內(nèi)存不夠時(shí)候圖片自動(dòng)被回收 
    bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(srcPath, newOpts); 
//   return compressBmpFromBmp(bitmap);//原來的方法調(diào)用了這個(gè)方法企圖進(jìn)行二次壓縮 
    return bitmap; 


public static void compressPicture(String srcPath, String desPath) { 
    FileOutputStream fos = null; 
    BitmapFactoryOptions op = new BitmapFactoryOptions(); 
    // 開始讀入圖片,此時(shí)把optionsinJustDecodeBounds 設(shè)回true了 
    opinJustDecodeBounds = true; 
    Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactorydecodeFile(srcPath, op); 
    opinJustDecodeBounds = false; 
    // 縮放圖片的尺寸 
    float w = opoutWidth; 
    float h = opoutHeight; 
    float hh = 1024f;// 
    float ww = 1024f;// 
    // 最長(zhǎng)寬度或高度1024 
    float be = 0f; 
    if (w > h && w > ww) { 
      be = (float) (w / ww); 
    } else if (w < h && h > hh) { 
      be = (float) (h / hh); 
    if (be <= 0) { 
      be = 0f; 
    opinSampleSize = (int) be;// 設(shè)置縮放比例,這個(gè)數(shù)字越大,圖片大小越小 
    // 重新讀入圖片,注意此時(shí)已經(jīng)把optionsinJustDecodeBounds 設(shè)回false了 
    bitmap = BitmapFactorydecodeFile(srcPath, op); 
    int desWidth = (int) (w / be); 
    int desHeight = (int) (h / be); 
    bitmap = BitmapcreateScaledBitmap(bitmap, desWidth, desHeight, true); 
    try { 
      fos = new FileOutputStream(desPath); 
      if (bitmap != null) { 
        bitmapcompress(BitmapCompressFormatJPEG, 100, fos); 
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { 





聲明:本網(wǎng)站發(fā)布的內(nèi)容(圖片、視頻和文字)以用戶投稿、用戶轉(zhuǎn)載內(nèi)容為主,如果涉及侵權(quán)請(qǐng)盡快告知,我們將會(huì)在第一時(shí)間刪除。文章觀點(diǎn)不代表本網(wǎng)站立場(chǎng),如需處理請(qǐng)聯(lián)系客服。電話:028-86922220;郵箱:631063699@qq.com。內(nèi)容未經(jīng)允許不得轉(zhuǎn)載,或轉(zhuǎn)載時(shí)需注明來源: 創(chuàng)新互聯(lián)

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